La Femme Nikita

"Mistakes are not an option"

La Femme Nikita was a Canadian action/drama television series based on the French film Nikita by Luc Besson. The series was co-produced by Jay Firestone of Fireworks Entertainment and Warner Bros.. It was adapted for television by Joel Surnow. The series was first telecast in North America on the USA Network cable channel on January 13, 1997, and ran for five television seasons—until March 2001. The series was also aired in Canada on the over-the-air CTV Television Network. La Femme Nikita was the highest-rated drama on American basic cable during its first two seasons. It was also distributed in some other countries, and it continues to have a strong cult following.

Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: 1

Duration: 1h 0m

Release: 1997

Rating: 7.4

Season 1 - La Femme Nikita
"Nikita, a girl living on the streets, is wrongly accused of a murder she did not commit and sentenced to life in prison. After the government arranges to fake her suicide, Nikita wakes up at Section One, a top-secret agency that aims to train her to become an anti-terrorist operative. Nikita wants to resist, but in order to stay alive, she has no choice, but to comply with their plans."
"Section One is assigned to protect Jovan Mijovich, a politician attempting to negotiate peace among opposing forces in his section of the world. When Nikita meets with a contact to find out who has attempted to assassinate Mijovich, Nikita is recognized by Julie, a childhood friend. Nikita attempts to protect Julie's life by creating a new identity for her, but Julie is actually an operative for the organization attempting to assassinate Mijovich."
"Glass Curtain is a high-tech terrorist organization that attracts new members via internet chat rooms. Posing as a new recruit, Nikita is taken to Glass Curtain headquarters, where she discovers that Michael's wife Simone is being held hostage. A former Section One operative, Simone was believed killed years before. Now, Michael's continued love for Simone may threaten the success of Section One's attempted infiltration of Glass Curtain."
"Nikita is assigned to get close to a money launderer in order to steal his data files. When she learns about his successful charity for troubled youth, she starts falling in love with him. However, when Section One admits to Nikita that the shelters are a front for a thriving child slave trade, Nikita's loyalties become divided."
"A nuclear trigger is stolen by a cold-blooded terrorist couple responsible for killing an entire team of Section One operatives. In an attempt to retrieve the trigger, Nikita poses as the wife, Helen's long-lost daughter, who was put up for adoption because Helen was in prison at the time of her birth. However, this leads to unexpected consequences for both \"mother\" and \"daughter.\""
"When an international arms smuggler steals a canister of deadly nerve gas, Nikita and Michael pose as a married mercenary couple in order to infiltrate his compound. However, when the gas is discovered wired to a bomb in a crowded train station, Nikita must put her life on the line to defuse it."
"Section One is assigned by the CIA to \"\"quietly\"\" deport Suba, a foreign anti-terrorist contact who is smuggling waste uranium out of the country for his own profit. The first attempt to capture him goes terribly awry, and Nikita is held responsible. Upon further investigation, Nikita discovers a traitor in the Section, but one who is being manipulated by Suba is holding his son hostage. Nikita must now decide whether to risk the wrath of Section One by rescuing the \"\"traitor's\"\" son."
"A mysterious Section One operative offers Nikita a seemingly ironclad opportunity to escape from Section One for good. All the information he gives her checks out, and Nikita seriously weighs his offer. However, Michael states making romantic overtures toward Nikita, and her emotions are divided. Is the Section just toying with her to test her loyalty, or is it the opportunity to escape a real one?"
"Section One's computer security is breached and the directory of all their agents is stolen. Michael goes to Prague to reclaim the directory, but the man who stole it is killed by another terrorist seeking the directory for himself. Nikita discovers that it was randomly left with a civilian passenger on a Prague city bus, architect Gray Wellman. Nikita is assigned to Gray in order to get close to him and retrieve the directory, but when she starts falling for him, her actions not only threaten the mission, but Section One's very existence."
"The CIA believes that a rogue element of their agency is responsible for a recent massacre of heroin dealers, performed in order to steal money and drugs as part of an embezzlement scheme. Section One is brought in to clean the house quietly, but Nikita's continued involvement with architect Gray Wellman is tampering her ability to be a reliable operative. As Section One's operation reaches a fever pitch, Nikita is unable to balance both sides of her life, and is forced to make a choice between the organization that controls her life and the one man that she's ever loved."
"During a mission to destroy a Russian chemical plant, Michael is injured and is left behind. Section determines that it is too risky to save Michael, but eventually does go to find him by sending Nikita and Madeline in as travelling cosmetic saleswomen. Meanwhile, Michael kidnaps a nurse, Angie Georgiev and convinces her to help him before the head of the secret police, Egran Petrosian, is able to find him. Madeline and Nikita are able to determine where Michael could possibly be and arrive at Angie's apartment shortly after Petrosian does and extract Michael and Angie with Petrosian in pursuit. The four arrive at an abandoned airstrip to await air transport from Section when Petrosian's forces arrive, killing Angie in the fighting that ensued. It is later revealed that Petrosian is really a Section operative that has been in deep cover for the past 17 years. The \"\"rescue mission\"\" was really means to extract Petrosian from deep cover and bring him back into Section's fold."
"A live nuclear warhead is smuggled into the states and the only witness to the act is a mentally challenged pizza driver named Rudy who witnessed the transfer. A transmission claiming that the warhead is armed in a random city and will detonate in 24 hours is intercepted and Section uses Rudy to determine who the man is that brought the warhead into the country - a traitor in the Agency. The location is discovered and with Rudy's help, Birkoff is able to determine the code that will disarm the bomb in time. Rudy is allowed to live due to his help and is allowed to leave Section with Nikita's assurances that he will never tell anyone of Section or it's whereabouts."
"Nikita is assigned to evaluate Karyn, a recruit who is nearing the end of her two year training period. During her first live mission, Karyn kills her mentor, Brian, in cold-blood. When Nikita confronts her, Karyn confides that Brian had repeatedly raped her during her training. This reason, coupled with the fact that everyone in Section One seems to like Karyn, makes Nikita more insecure about her decision whether Karyn should have full status or be cancelled. Nikita realizes that Karyn is definitely not Section material when Karyn exhibits psychotic behaviors during a mission and decides that Karyn should be cancelled. Operations and Madeline inform her that Karyn was already set for cancellation, they were just testing Nikita and if she had made the wrong decision, she too would have probably been cancelled."
"Section was informed that the water of the city would be polluted if the United Coalitions needs weren't met. Gregor Kessler, the one with many aliases and disguises, steals the Cobalt 60. Kessler was offered money to get the Cobalt 60, reported by a spy of Section. Gregor dresses up as an aged lady to get through South American Customs. Kessler manages to capture the Cobalt 60, but Madeline confronts him. Some how, he knows about her past and starts intimidating her. Section takes Kessler's daughter in hope to retreive the Cobalt 60. This doesn't work for him because he kills her, so Section can't hurt her. Meanwhile, Nikita finds out more about Madeline's past & what she did to her sister. Madeline never wanted anyone to know about it. Kessler now wants Madeline, Section doesn't want her to go by herself, so they stand by in a nearby distance. Madeline falls into a hole where Gregor is. He grips her up by the neck, but she breaks free. It wasn't really her, it was Michael dressed up"
"David Fanning is one of the world's most dangerous hit men, but Section One is powerless to stop him. Fanning possesses \"\"The Book,\"\" a collection of top-secret information damaging to Western governments, and if the Section makes any attempt on Fanning's life, the Book will be released automatically. When the Section's only way in is through Fanning's abused girlfriend, Nikita and Michael are forced to use any means possible to secure her loyalties, but her emotional instability could prove fatal to both of them."
"While on a mission to tag a stockpile of Stinger missiles, the Section van is breached, and Birkoff is forced to defend himself for the very first time. Now, his fear of being killed on future missions is interfering with his ability to protect Section operatives, unless Nikita can help him overcome this fear, Birkoff is in danger of being cancelled."
"The stolen Directory has ended up in the hands of Red Cell, and operatives are being hit around the world. Section is being forced to evacuate. In order to learn Red Cell's next move, Nikita and Michael attempt to capture Red Cell's next move, Nikita and Michael attempt to capture Red Cell's counterpart to Birkoff, but instead, they themselves are captured and tortured. Neither of them are willing to divulge Section's current location, but when Michael admits his love for Nikita, she breaks, because she can not stand to see Michael tortured any further. Far from destroying Section One, Nikita quickly discovers that this was the intended plan all along, and Section has a big surprise for Red Cell."
"One of the members of a criminal organization that steals classified information to sell to the highest bidder is Operations' long-lost son, Steven. Section One's mission is to eradicate this group along with a dangerous terrorist that plans to buy a smart missile chip from them, but Operations asks Nikita to keep Steven alive at all costs. Nikita agrees, only if Operations will let her finally leave the Section for good. He agrees, but Nikita threatens to kill Steven if Operations doesn't keep his word. Unfortunately for Nikita, she is unaware of Michael's true role in the mission."
"While working undercover near a Central European Consulate, Nikita is confronted by a known serial rapist. Nikita easily subdues the man, leaving him battered and bruised. O'Brien, the police detective on the case, has been pursuing the man for years, and realizes that the rapist's victim was no ordinary woman. With the help of a witness he manages to break through Nikita's cover story and track her down. O'Brien now knows the truth about Nikita, he will have to be cancelled, unless Nikita can turn the situation around to her advantage."
"When Nikita is sent to investigate a bartender at a posh club who may be a terrorist contact, he responds to her questioning by leaping from the 65th floor window to his death. A search of his apartment turns up a strange helmet-like device, which Section later discovers is used for brainwashing. Unfortunately, Nikita has used the device several times in an effort to discover what it is, and now it is in control of her mind. When Nikita and other operatives are assigned to protect the Premier of China from other similarly brainwashed individuals, Section has no idea that the greatest threat to the Premier is Nikita herself."
"Jovan Mijovich has been elected as premier of his new nation, but there is a hit man out to assassinate him. Nikita and Michael, along with other Section One operatives, are dispatched to provide security. During the inaugural celebration, the hit man is taken out, but a hostage situation develops that no one expected. A man, Bruner, claims Mijovich raped and blinded his daughter during the nation's civil war, and threatens to kill him. Nikita tries to defuse the situation, and manages to keep Mijovich alive for the time being, but when Bruner's daughter appears to give her side of the story, the accuracy of her testimony will mean the difference between peace and war for her people."
"Section One is hot on the trail of Tyler, one of the world's most dangerous terrorists. After Tyler kidnaps a young inventor who has created a new, completely un-detectable plastic explosive, Nikita is sent to try and rescue the inventor and keep his knowledge out of Tyler's hands. When the mission is unsuccessful, Nikita is given orders to cancel the inventor, but she refuses. Operations decides that Nikita has crossed the line, and he purposely sends her on a suicide mission to destroy a terrorist hideout. Michael intervenes and gives Nikita the means to escape, but her freedom will change both of their lives forever."
Season 2 - La Femme Nikita
"With Michael's help, Nikita survived the destruction of a Freedom League hideout in the first season's final episode. Since then, she has been on the run from Section One. While working as a waitress, Nikita is captured by the Freedom League and used as bait to lure Section One into a trap. During a raid by a Section team led by Michael, Nikita saves Michael's life and they manage to escape together. Later, on an abandoned ship, Nikita and Michael share a night of passion. However, Michael's lies about Nikita's whereabouts are in danger of being exposed."
"While Nikita is reassigned to Special Operative Jurgen, Section is contacted by one of Freedom League's operatives in order to verify Nikita's story about her capture."
"Nikita is brought back to full operative status when Birkoff discovers a six-man terrorist team are making several random attacks."
"Section believes that terrorists are after the nuclear power source of a downed satellite. They later discover the terrorists are actually after it because it is a military satellite and it will give them access to the Pentagon if they are able to salvage it and crack the codes. Nikita grows closer to Jurgen and Section uses it to their advantage."
"Egram Petrosian, the former Section deep cover agent rescued by Section One, takes over and promotes Nikita to second in command when Operations is seriously wounded by an insane operative."
"During a mission, Michael is forced into a stage where he must cut communication with Section and complete the mission at any cost, but the target of Michael captures Madeline, and Operations is willing to kill Michael in order to protect her."
"Michael's loyalties are divided when Nikita discovers his friend is a bomber and Operations tells him to betray his friend."
"Nikita and Michael are sent on a mission to take out someone in a Balkan nation, but Nikita must force Michael into protecting two displaced children, however that protection prevents Nikita from hitting their target, and they must risk their lives in order to get him down."
"On an assignment to capture a Red Cell agent known as Jenna, with valuable information, Nikita is arrested and brought to jail in order to serve time, where Jenna is also serving time. But she is forced to betray the trust she has with Jenna when she must escape the jail along with her, only for Jenna to be captured and interrogated."
"Nikita is promoted to team leader early and is sent on a much more dangerous than expected mission with a disobedient operative."
"Section believes that an imprisoned terrorist leader is ordering an attack through his lawyer. Nikita and Michael go undercover as a couple, and Nikita is supposed to be a psychic. The terrorist's lawyer asks Nikita to contact his dead son, but Nikita is shocked to discover something else."
"A Section operative known as Terry fails a mission and admits to Nikita, the cause was her pregnancy. When she is teamed up with Nikita and Michael, she plans to escape from Section, and Nikita must choose a side."
"Michael is captured and interrogated by terrorists, then loses his memory and does not know who he is."
"Michael and Nikita are sent on a mission along with former hit man David Fanning, but during the mission he takes Nikita hostage and demands that Michael return his wife, or Nikita will be killed."
"Section captures a mathematician in order to decode a code that is aiding terrorists in their attacks."
"Section is trying to stop a terrorist group from engaging in suicide bombings, and Nikita is assigned to recieve information from an agent known as Formits, who, unbeknownest to Nikita, is in fact a serial killer."
"Section falls into a trap when a mission to take out a Red Cell munitions base causes a virus to be spread throughout Section."
"A new recruit named Andrea is romanced by Michael. When she learns that it was just a setup to gain allegiance to Section, she wants Nikita's help for revenge. Upon Nikita's refusal, Andrea proves dangerous to both Nikita and Michael when their mission ends up in a dangerous lab containing viruses."
"Operations orders a raid to capture the leader of a terrorist group, which turns out to be a sentient computer."
"When Section discovers a wealthy terrorist plans to fund upcoming civilian attacks, Michael and Nikita pose as money launderers in order to stop him. However, his assistant, Giraldi, claims to be a Section operative who has been in the field for nine years and wants to be brought back in. When Nikita informs Operations, he tells her to ignore his request, but when Madeline finds out, she insists Nikita bring him in. Now, Nikita is caught between Madeline and Operations, and a man's life hangs in the balance."
"When the founder of Section One comes back to destroy her own creation, Nikita must make a choice between the life of Michael or the existence of Section."
"With Adrian's help, Nikita manages to breach the most sensitive area of Section and secure a file, code named Gemstone, which contains evidence which will bring down Operations and destroy Section One. Meanwhile, Operations forces Michael to identify the Section operative most likely to work with Adrian to undermine Section, Nikita. Michael confronts Nikita in order to try to find a way to protect her, but she denies any association with Adrian. Now Michael is forced to kidnap both Nikita and Adrian and bring them back to Section, knowing that Nikita and Adrian will be cancelled and that the incriminating Gemstone file will be permanently erased."
Season 3 - La Femme Nikita
"Operations believes Nikita is a threat to Section, and wants to kill her during a mission. She survives his plot, and when she returns to Section, she looks into the disappearance of Michael, and finds what she didn't expect."
"Nikita has a new mission, to get David Henderson Williams, Vacek's associate. She also learns more about Michael's history with Elena & Simone. Elena offers Nikita to stay with her & Michael. Nikita accepts, but she doesn't feel too cozy after her thoughts & memories get the best of her. More problems come about as Vacek misses a meeting."
"To flush out Vacek, Operations and Madeline order Michael to poison Elena, but Michael can't bring himself to do it. So Section poisons Elena anyway, while Michael is out on a mission, and her survival will depend on whether Vacek has enough conscience to visit his daughter in her time of need. Meanwhile, Section moves sleazy informant Mick Shtoppel in as Nikita's neighbor."
"After effectively losing his wife and son forever, Michael's performance begins to seriously suffer. So as Nikita seeks to restore Michael's will to live and to protect him from Section's latest enemy, Operations and Madeline bicker over what is the best strategy to handle fragile Michael. Meanwhile, Birkoff goes to Walter about a file Birkoff discovers, a file that contains incriminating evidence on Operations."
"Section goes after Ivan Chernov, a terrorist who trains kidnapped children to do his dirty work. Michael sells Nikita to Chernov, who she discovers wants her for cloning experiments. Birkoff finds his life threatened by Felix, an abeyance operative who is extremely upset about being in abeyance. After returning to Section, a comment from Madeline makes Nikita think that Section might also be doing cloning. After some investigating, she discovers a room full of children, one of which looks identical to herself as a child. When she returns with Michael a while later, the room is mysteriously empty."
"Section goes after Nikolai Markali, a politician whom Operations correctly believes is connected to the terrorist organization, Badenhein, although the suspicions at first appear to be unfounded. Other than these suspicions, he appears to be a man whose only crime appears to be being married to Operations' \"\"widow,\"\" Corinne - the woman Operations was married to when he \"\"died\"\" upon his recruitment into Section. Madeline, posing as a therapist taking over Corinne's case, and Michael, posing as a therapist slowly drive Corinne insane using a highly addictive \"\"medication\"\" which makes her extremely unstable and an altered videotape making it appear Nikolai was having an affair with Nikita. According to the mission profile, Corinne takes her husband's life."
"Nikita is acting out of character. Michael observes she is pre-occupied, and when mission tapes of a disastrous mission show, the enemy was avoiding shooting her, he believes she is working for Red Cell."
"A new operative with a photographic memory is brought in to \"\"remember\"\" the directory of a terrorist organization. When he is made a permanent recruit, Nikita looks into her own recruitment, wondering if it was planned or not."
"Nikita, Walter, and Birkoff consider mutiny when Operations' orders become more and more illogical."
"Brothers Karl and Simon Peruze are responsible for some of the most vicious attacks on civilians ever recorded. Eliminating both of them proves difficult, since neither brother would ever give up the other. Section One kidnaps Karl, wipes clean his short-term memory, and places Nikita with him when he comes to, so she can pose as his fiancee and lead Section to Simon. Strangely, the more Nikita learns about Karl's cruel history, the more she is drawn to him, falling in love with him. However, Nikita's slowly dawning realization that her mind is being controlled by Section threatens to unravel the entire mission."
"Nikita finds a colleague in the new recruits, someone named Jamey. Jamey tells Nikita that if she helps him stay in Section, he'll lead Nikita to her mother, who has been looking for Nikita ever since she supposedly committed suicide in jail."
"Nikita, along with two other operatives Mark and Angela, are kidnapped by a two-person sibling terrorist team. Both Mark and Angela are tortured, but Mark breaks during the torture and tells the terrorist duo the location of a Section sub-station. After being rescued, Nikita plans with Mark to lie to Section and try to defeat the brother\/sister team on their own. But when her plan fails, Mark blames Nikita for revealing the information, and she is put under trial."
"Operations passes over Michael for Chief Strategist in favor of a smarmy Section operative by the name of Zalman, and Michael is so furious that he plots with Nikita to escape from Section One. Indeed, after stealing a Section One \"Field Router\" Michael and Nikita successfully disrupt a mission against new Red Cell leader Vincent Tomas, and make their escape. Zalman is going to take the fall for Michael's and Nikita's escape, and he will stop at nothing to find them."
"On an operation to get industrialist and terrorist financier Charles Meyer, Nikita is sent to a \"modeling agency\" run by Amalin Anagar, which is in reality, not just a brothel, but also an arena where beautiful girls are forced to fight each other to the death in a place called \"The Pit\" While undercover at Anagar's, Nikita tries to protect a naive young girl named Sondra from fighting in \"\"The Pit,\"\" while also trying to figure out a way to save all the girls at Anagar's (an objective which is not in the mission profile). Meanwhile, Madeline appears to be jealous of Renee from Oversight who is visiting Section One. She may have reason to be, as Renee immediately puts moves on the very willing Operations."
"This time, Section is out to get an outfit by the name of The Alliance, and Section's way in is a psychotic courier by the name of Jan Bailin. Bailin has other plans and she kills herself before the Section can use her. So, as a backup, Section employs a meek, terminally ill lookalike for Bailin by the name of Sarah Gerrard. As she trains her, Nikita starts to get suspicious, did Section purposely make Sarah ill to make it easier for Section to convince Sarah to work for them? And if so, will Section even let Sarah live if she completes the mission?"
"After an operation against a terrorist group, Michael brings one of the terrorists back to the Section for questioning. The \"capture\" is a plant, and he knocks Madeline out during interrogation and runs amuck in Section One's HQ. Before Michael finds and eliminates the man, he successfully uploads many of Section One's crucial files, including the Registry (which is at least encrypted, and will take the terrorists several days to decipher) and the exact location (un-encrypted) of Section's HQ (located in Paris). Operations orders the evacuation and destruction of Section One's HQ. With Section in temporary quarters, Operations takes over the counter-operation personally, and goes out on a mission with a less than thrilled Nikita. Will Operations be able to find the terrorist base before the terrorists decode The Registry?"
"With the \"situation in the Balkans\" again reaching critical, Operations is called off on a consulting job in the field by \"The Center,\" and he turns over temporary full control of Section One to Michael. Operations leaves Michael with one warning, George from Oversight wants a full-scale campaign waged against terrorist financier Luigi Bergomi, but Michael must resist this as Bergomi is too strong and would overwhelm Section forces. After meeting with George, Michael has a change of heart, and decides to launch an operation against Bergomi, despite Madeline's and later Nikita's strong objections. Has the absolute power of running Section One gone to Michael's head? Meanwhile, now that they are \"officially\" lovers, Michael promotes Nikita as his lieutenant over another agent named Wallace, and when Wallace turns up dead after an operation against Bergomi, Nikita wonders if Michael is playing favorites, and trying to protect her."
"Madeline has decided that Michael's romantic involvement with Nikita is affecting his performance, and so she sets about putting pressure on Michael to halt the relationship. Soon enough, Michael is no longer in charge of Tactical Oversight, so he loses his office, and is no longer running missions. He's replaced by Davenport, a decent guy who's now in charge of field operations. Can Michael give up all the power he's earned in Section One for Nikita? And will Nikita let him give it all up, even if he wants to? Meanwhile, a sultry operative by the name of Valerie is putting heavy moves on both Walter and Birkoff, which soon enough puts a strain on their friendship."
"After Birkoff chokes in the middle of remotely directing an operation and is then promptly upstaged by arch-nemesis Greg Hillinger who pulls the frying pan out of the fire and saves the mission, Operations promotes Hillinger to Birkoff's job and re-assigns Birkoff to his first field operation. Birkoff's mission is to infiltrate and perform reconnaissance on a mercenary terrorist organization \"Soldat de la Liberty\" run by a man named Jean-Marc Rousseau who employs brainwashing on young people to fill the ranks of his organization. Birkoff is convinced that Operation's real objective is to set him up with an impossible mission, so that Operations can eliminate Birkoff and permanently replace him with the more obsequious and pliable Hillinger. And sure enough, once inside the group Birkoff discovers ties between Rousseau's organization and the infamous Red Cell, and Operations refuses to extricate Birkoff preferring to leave him in place to gather more information. Can Nikita help Birko"
"During an operation, Hillinger's goofing off costs an operative his life, and Hillinger pleads with Birkoff to cover for him, which Birkoff inexplicably does. Hillinger doesn't return the favor, however, when Birkoff is sent out to direct a mission from the field, and Hillinger deliberately tries to get his rival Birkoff killed off once and for all. The jokes on Hillinger when Birkoff exposes what Hillinger did. Sure enough, Operations puts him in abeyance and Hillinger's days seem to be numbered. At the same time, Operations is acting more and more viciously toward Madeline. Operations' timing is terrible, as George from Oversight is turning up the pressure on Operations, just as he's acting out with Madeline. Will Madeline get even with Operations by betraying him to George?"
"Literally playing with fire, Michael and Nikita are setting up clandestine rendezvous on Section missions as a way to get around Operations and Madeline's ban on their seeing each other (See Third Party Ripoff). Operations and Madeline still suspect Michael and Nikita of seeing each other on the side, so Madeline starts sending Davenport along on Michael's and Nikita's mission to spy on them. Meanwhile, Madeline orders Birkoff to sweep Michael's and Nikita's computer panels for secret communication, and when Birkoff does indeed discover communications between the two, it implicates Walter as their go-between. Will Birkoff turn in Walter? And, if so, what will happen to Michael, Nikita and Walter?"
"Michael and Nikita are sent on an operation to find out who a pharmaceutical plant owned by a company named Genefex and a supplier of Red Cell who is selling a biological weapon named Gandium, too. Unbeknownst to Michael and Nikita, the operation has a secondary objective, to end Michael and Nikita's love affair once and for all. Once the mission objective is achieved, Nikita is sent to another part of plant, where Madeline is waiting to \"\"reprogram\"\" Nikita to eliminate her feelings for Michael. Meanwhile, Operations finally does the unthinkable, he sends Walter to \"\"retirement.\"\" Birkoff has other ideas, and he immediately sets about sabotaging Walter's replacement, a young and innocent chap by the name of Giles."